Little boy thinking on the wall.

Learn these 4  Intelligence types, in order to boost your child’s overall development. 

Parent’s Goals.

Our goal as parents, is to help in our child’s all round development, in order to set them up to cope and achieve throughout their lives… 

‘Do not prepare the road for the children…Prepare the children for the road’.

Tim Edmore.

Parenting can be challenging and stressful… However, by keeping the schooling structure simple and by keeping your focus on the tasks at hand, you will become aware that each day is a building block towards your child’s future life. 

According to many psychologists there are four types of intelligence.

1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ).
2. Emotional Quotient (EQ). 
3. Social Quotient (SQ).
4. Adversity Quotient (AQ).

1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ).

Represents: Educational Intelligence. 

Meaning:  IQ is the measure of your comprehension, your ability to  solve problems, memorize information and recall subject matter. 

The ACE program I use requires a child to memorize bible verses, from Grade 0.

They start with three word verses, then slowly the length of the verses to be memorized increases, stretching the child’s memory. This is an awesome way to develop a child’s memory, whilst also  instilling the mighty weapon of God’s word. 

fishing for bream

“The word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword.” Hebrews 4:12

You can read more about our homeschooling program in my post:What Homeschooling Program do I use and Why?

2. Emotional Quotient (EQ).  

Represents: Character. 

Meaning:  EQ is the measure of your ability to maintain peace with others; keep to time; be responsible; be honest; respect boundaries – and to be humble, genuine and considerate.

With God steering my homeschooling ship, I have  the confidence that I’ll achieve the above.  

Each and every year, throughout their school life, the ACE program teaches a child the 50 character traits of Jesus. There is no better way to learn and improve your child’s emotional quotient, than through Bible teachings. 

He sent His word and healed them from their destruction.” Psalm 107:20

Responsibility comes through discipline and order.   A child is never too young to learn to become responsible, starting with something small and developing from there.

For example; from a very young age, my children have been encouraged to be responsible for their toys, clothes and rooms.  

With discipline and order, education becomes an easier task. Life is fundamentally about self discipline, so embrace the challenge of disciplining your child – don’t run from it! 

You can read more about responsibility through self discipline in my post: ‘Rounded Homeschoolers – Through Freedom and Responsibility.

3. Social Quotient (SQ).

Represents: Charisma. 

Meaning: SQ is the measure of your ability to build a network of friends and colleagues and to maintain them over a long period of time. Through homeschooling, one has the luxury of choosing the right friends for your child.  

Finding like-minded friends is a challenge and I always encourage my children to find Godly, positive, disciplined friends.

You can read more about how I achieve this in my post:  ‘How to Homeschool to Ensure Great Socialization and Friendship Skills.’ 

“He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed” Proverbs 13:20

It has been proven that people who have higher Emotional and Social Quotients tend to go further in life, than those with a high IQ, but low EQ and SQ. 

In life one often finds a person with a high IQ being employed by a person with a high EQ and SQ, despite them having, perhaps, only an average IQ.

With the development of EQ and SQ your child will be able to manage life much better, than they would with a high IQ only.  

 4. Adversity Quotient (AQ).

Represents: Strength and Resilience. 

Meaning: AQ is the measure of your ability to go through rough patches in life -and come out of them, without losing your mind.

AQ determines who will give up in the face of troubles, who will abandon their family or who will consider suicide.  

With suicide levels in teenagers going up each year, this is clearly an area of parenting that is being overlooked. Don’t leave this area of parenting to chance. 

“God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

To help your child cope with adversity they need to be exposed to areas of life other than pure academics. They should enjoy manual work (never use work as a form of punishment), sport and the arts.

I am totally in favour of manual work, which is something everyone needs to do, in order to have a more productive life…

I encourage my children to help around the house, garden, farm and stables, which involves ongoing manual work. They also have to solve problems and ‘make a plan’…and I often stand back and allow them to work out solutions themselves.

Giving your child tasks, which encourages independence, helps a child to mature and teaches them to problem solve and not bail out, when the going gets tough.

Murray John (9) thrives on the independence of being able to head out to the tractors and workshop, after school each day.  Paula Joy (11) values her independence, as she heads off on her motorbike, to check up on the horses everyday. 

Ensuring that you are developing their EQ, SQ and AQ, will result in your child becoming a confident, multifaceted person, able to do things independently of their parents.  

Many mainstream schools concentrate on improving a child’s IQ level, whilst ignoring their EQ SQ and AQ. It is therefore very important to look for a homeschooling program that covers all these 4 intelligence areas.

You can read more about how I achieve this in my post: ‘Homeschooling to Create: Independent, Problem Solving and Critical Thinkers.’


As a parent, is very important to enhance habits in your child that will develop the four Qs, especially their EQ, SQ and AQ. 

Do not concentrate solely on developing their IQs, although this is also very important.  

Through Homeschooling you have the privilege to make sure your child develops in all the areas of the four Qs. This will result in a balanced child, who will have a much better chance at succeeding in life, without becoming frustrated and anxious.   

Make sure you have the right homeschooling program, which covers all the above.  

If not, then do your homework and find a solution that will eventually result in capable, confident, joyful adults.

With God guiding you through the challenging process of parenting, with your mind fixed upon all the above, your child will achieve the balance of the 4Q’s.

May God bless and guide you…

Prayer:  Heavenly Father I thank you that you are always there to guide me with my parenting. Please help me to find the right balance with our children, always remembering that, with You, I shall succeed. Thank you for your love and grace. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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About Author

Homeschooling Mum, dedicated to raising her children with a solid Christian foundation and principles.

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  1. Excellent post! Thank you for sharing! We are a family of former homeschoolers – greetings and blessings from Singapore!

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