Globally, Millions of Children are Unable to Attend Mainstream School at Present.
As schools close globally and millions of children are sent home, we can continue our homeschool education un-interrupted. There is no fear, stress or panic with homeschooled families, – as school simply continues as usual. Homeschooling parents get the enormous benefit of being able to control their immediate environment -and their children’s interaction with others. In these health scare times this is an enormous blessing.
As the Corona Virus starts to spread into Africa, we are able to continue with our homeschooling and reach our academic goals. This worldwide health scare has reminded me that education is best, when not confined to a conventional classroom.
The United Nations declared that; “The global scale and speed of current educational disruption is unparalleled and, if prolonged, could threaten the right to education.”
Homeschooling was the Default Until Mid-19th Century.
People forget that, up until the mid-19th Century, education was not dominated by mainstream schooling. It was diverse, with parents assuming the main responsibility for their children’s education. Mass schooling is a relatively new idea and is enormously affected by global health scares.
The idea that children need to be enclosed within a conventional school classroom, in order to learn, is a myth. This has only been happening for less than 200 years. We humans are wired to learn and we learn throughout our lives. We don’t need to be confined to a classroom to do this!
This applies especially to young children who are exuberant, curious learners and love exploring and discovering new things. We need to explore all options of educating our children, developing them into balanced, responsible, well educated adults.
“Children come into the world burning to learn and genetically programmed with extraordinary capacities for learning. They are little learning machines. Within their first four years or so they absorb an unfathomable amount of information and skills, without any instruction. . . Nature does not turn off this enormous desire and capacity to learn, when children turn five or six. We turn it off with our coercive system of schooling.” ‘
How I use the Corona Virus Outbreak as Additional Economic Education for my Children.
We spend a great deal of time talking about the economic ramifications of the Corona Virus. We discuss issues such as; ‘How are restricted global airlines impacting sports players, who are now unable to compete and earn their living?’ As we live in a country already in economic chaos, the children find it easy to relate to the economic ramifications of the virus. They are very aware of the disadvantaged people all around us and the impact this virus could have on them.
Look to God for Direction.
For me, I look at what we can control, whilst relying on the Lord for what we can’t… As with everything in life, we alone don’t have all the answers. However, with God at our side, we will get through our trials and tribulations. We need to stop worrying about tomorrow and concentrate on today, which has more than enough to deal with. I homeschool confidently, knowing that God is with me every step of the way. I can cry out to Him for help at any moment and know that He holds the answers.
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12 vs 9.
I am blown away when I see how God always meets our needs in this homeschooling experience. Over time He has helped me grow in confidence – and this is something I am always sharing with my children.
Your Children are Stuck at Home – now What?
Think out of the box and look for academic resources on the internet, to keep your child’s academic levels up, whilst the mainstream schools remain closed. Thanks to the likes of Khan Academy and multitudes of other, free, online homeschooling programs, this challenge is easy to achieve.
One can be creative, whilst enjoying the unexpected family time. Given time, normality will return, however the memories you create during this unique time will always remain…
Go out with God’s grace and be awesome!
Prayer: Heavenly Father, You have been with Your children from the beginning of time, as they have walked with You. Please will you walk with me, through this difficult time, and help me to always look to You, no matter what I am going through. Fill me with wisdom and a discerning heart. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Another inspiring post, Ashleigh! You sure are inspirational…