Reading Material, Workbooks, Microscopes & Languages.
Reading Material.
Sunrise Readers.

Book Reading Time from the Bookshelf.
Click on the Bookshelf to choose a fun book to be read to your child so that you can relax and have a cup of coffee. Enjoy the bookshelf.
University of Canterbury.

A Better Start to Reading.
Website: A Better Start to Reading.
Learn how to prevent reading problems in children and how to use the shared book reading context in the most effective way to support children’s early reading development.
Better Start Literacy Approach.

Children’s Readers.
Website: Children’s Readers.
Free Daily Workbooks Grade 1-7.

Jubilee Learning Centres:
Website: Jubilee Learning Centres.
Sign up to receive your FREE daily workbooks.
Science Microscopes.
Beginners Shona Lessons.

Register Here for Lessons.
Phone: Beginners Shona Lessons 263 773243157
In the comments below…….
- Our Traumatic Sudden Move Across the Country.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for July-August 2024.
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- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for May-June 2024.
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