Homeschooling Activities Jan-Feb.
Goal Setting.
It was back to school on the 2nd January. We started by checking our last year’s goals, going through what we’d achieved and what we had not…
It’s amazing how measuring goals helps the children to focus on future goals and dreams.
We then set our 2024 goals for academics, sports, hobbies and travels. Sadly, our travel dreams have not yet materialised, but here we are with another year to look forward to…
Schooling gets underway, with daily and monthly goals, which need to be achieved, in and around our busy lives. The children are used to flexibility with their schoolwork thus, to avoid Saturday school, they push hard during the weekdays on the farm.
Sport Movements.
This year we are trying to do two weeks on the farm, followed by a week of busy sports days in Harare. We have now narrowed the sport down to cricket and golf, whilst in Harare.
Murray John’s Finger.
Thankfully, Murray John’s broken finger has healed, so he is now able to do all his own writing. This makes for a much happier me, as I am now catching up with all my other activities.
With both children now into high school, they need to take on their own academic responsibilities and time management, in order to achieve all their academic goals.
Pocket money business.
Paula Joy has started to make horse treats which she plans to sell. The first batch has been made and now it’s time for her to market and sell them. We shall keep you posted as to how she gets on.

Murray John sells solar lights around the neighbourhood. Both children love earning extra cash and are always on the look out for new ventures.
Homeschooling Friends.
More homeschooling friends.
Well, I guess, we love collecting pets! The year started with 3 new rabbits, followed closely by a new guinea pig and two new kittens; ‘Baba’ and ‘Velvet’.

The pets continue to be a big part of our lives and our school office is never without a pet or two..

Horses and a new Cross Country course.
We started the year by building a new cross-country jumping course, as the children now required bigger and higher jumps.
We had to amalgamate the smaller jumps, to build fewer and bigger jumps. The end result has turned out to be a wonderful cross country training course.
Eventing Shows.
After a lovely break, the horses are all back to being walked, in preparation for a new polo season. We had eventing shows to attend in February and March, so the ponies that like to jump were schooled and prepared for the first express eventing show.

Murray John had Tula and Puncho to event. However, Puncho bruised his neck, so was sidelined for the first show. Tula is now rather more experienced at horse shows, so Murray John is enjoying the fun he is having on him.
Paula Joy schooled four horses for the first show. They are all at different levels and she loves improving their jumping styles and learning to do better dressage tests.

Duke, her best jumper, flew around the 1 meter express eventing course, like a real pro., – thanks to all the hours of work Paula Joy has spent training him. He is not an easy horse, although super talented.
Polo Season.
With polo starting in April, the polo schooling will begin in March. The children now have a month to get all their polo ponies fit and ready for the season ahead.
Trick Training.
Paula Joy spends much of her free time training Puncho with the ‘Downunder Horsemanship Method’. Thanks to modern technology, she can learn from the best and train her pony to do some amazing tricks. For example, Puncho has recently learned how to bow!
Homeschooling Sports.
The kids love being back playing cricket matches. Paula Joy has moved up to the U17 boys age group, where she is managing to hold her own. She enjoys playing with the more dedicated boys and loves the bigger challenge.

Murray John continues in the U14 age group where he bats, bowls and keeps wicket. They will take a break from cricket matches, as soon as the polo season starts
We are giving golf a big push this year. The children are playing regularly and, once a month, we have a family match when the girls take on the boys. It’s such a super, family day out and one we all enjoy.

The goal this year, is to get both the children’s handicaps down to a more competitive level, so golf will continue throughout the year.
Homeschooling Adventures Jan-Feb:
Farm Life.
Dalston with No Rain!
It’s been a very dry and hot few months on the farm. The maize and soya beans need constant irrigation, whilst the dryland maize and sorghum struggles to survive in the oppressive heat. However, the tobacco continues to be reaped, along with the bananas.

Due to the lack of rain the dams haven’t yet filled, which is always an irrigation farmer’s deep concern.
Murray John loves spending time learning more about the irrigation systems on the farm and often follows the manager around at night, checking on the irrigation pivots.

Green Mealies.
With the maize cobs now forming, it’s a wonderful time to head out and pick green mealies for lunch. Always a great way to end our school mornings!
Zimbabwe Economy.
By some miracle we have had very few power cuts so far this year, which has made for easier farming. However, inflation still rises and the pot holes in the roads get larger by the week. With the added pressure of a drought season, Zimbabwe is really struggling!

All in all it has been a busy, productive start to the year.

May God continue to guide us, as we move forward into what 2024 has to offer.
The LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6.
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- Our Traumatic Sudden Move Across the Country.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for July-August 2024.
- Our Victoria Falls Celebration Trip.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for May-June 2024.
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