June, Homeshooling Activities and Adventures.
June Activities:
We have achieved ten weeks of homeschooling since lock down! It’s been a hard push with school, but the children have worked very diligently and I am very proud of their achievements. Our school year ends this month, which suits me well, as it takes the pressure off the end of the year, when there is always much to do.
Both children have reached their academic goals for the year, so we took a week’s break and called it ‘Friendship Week’.
We also celebrated Murray John’s 9th Birthday on the 23rd June. For his birthday, Murray John chose to have his friends over to play polo chukkas, then celebrate a birthday dinner together.

Murray John has certainly achieved a huge amount in his 9 years of life. He is now able to drive diggers, combine harvesters, tractors, pickups and motorbikes! His farming passion continues to grow, along with his excellent sporting abilities. We pray that the Lord continues to bless and guide him.
For the rest of our ‘Friendship Week’ we went to Harare to catch up with friends from the other side of the country, as well as enjoying three days of polo practice in Chinhoyi. – I just love the freedom homeschooling allows us…
I continue to educate my children on the Zimbabwean and world news. This has certainly improved their general and biblical knowledge. At this time in history, where we see so much chaos unfolding across the globe, we pray together daily – for good to overcome evil.
Homeschooling Friends.
The guinea pigs, rabbits and bantam chickens are now very much part of our daily lives. They certainly bring much joy to our family!

With the lock down keeping us on the farm, the children have plenty of time to enjoy their furry and feathered friends.

Homeschooling Art.

Paula Joy made the cupcakes and decorated them for Murray John’s birthday.
We continued with our farm polo and by mid-June we were allowed to go to polo practice in Chinhoyi.

It is, indeed, a huge exercise getting the truck, plus eleven horses, four grooms and the children, all packed and ready to head off to practice… Paula Joy and Murray John are now a great help and they each have specific packing chores.

Polo practice in Chinhoyi is what the children look forward to each week. They are now able to play 4 chukkas a day each and their polo skills are improving weekly.
Polo certainly takes up most of our spare time and it is such fun to be able to do it together as a family. We shall always cherish these very special memories.

Homeschooling Sport.
We managed to have one golf lesson this month, which was a start to getting ourselves back into the swing of things.

The children are not really missing their others sports, as there is always something to do on the farm. They like to help the gardener with his chores, have fun with their small push tractors, repair the horse tack and ride their bicycles around the yard. This way they have managed to keep their fitness levels up, -to what is expected by their town sport coaches.

June Adventures:
Farm Life.
Murray John spent his June afternoons, either working with the digger, or sitting in the combine, as it continued to harvest the maize crop.

The wheat is growing well and we like to discuss the crop’s husbandry program, every time we pass the wheat on the way to the stables.
Tobacco plowing has also begun and so has banana reaping. The children always enjoy going around the farm, just to see all the different winter activities taking place.

Zimbabwe Economics.
With continued inflation and Covid 19 lock-down, life in Zimbabwe gets tougher and more challenging for everyone. We are now trading at 107 Zimbabwe dollars to the US dollar! However, we are now able to trade in US dollars, which does make life a lot easier…
It is still an extremely difficult environment to live in, so one has to learn to take each day as it comes. We continue to pray constantly for our country and to help those around us, where we can.
Environmental Awareness.
Bird watching is a fun activity to do in the evenings. As we have so many different bird species on the farm, we have challenged the children to identify a new bird each week.

Keep safe and keep praying!
“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him.” James 1:12
- Our Traumatic Sudden Move Across the Country.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for July-August 2024.
- Our Victoria Falls Celebration Trip.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for May-June 2024.
- What is a Healthy Homeschooling Culture?
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I really enjoy your posts … and the encouragement you give to all Christian parents out there! Thank you .
Thank you for the lovely comment. I appreciate the complement. God bless Regards Ashleigh
Well done, Ashleigh! What a fun packed blog, with a very sound message in how to educate and raise children God’s way!