Goodness, wouldn’t we all love adversity to come wrapped in candy!
“Wow! This year has sure been a struggle – just to survive… Well, you have made it through this year, which has really been a very tough one for all of us! However, you are almost done and Christmas is the finish line…Give yourself lots of credit for just hanging in…..”
Ashleigh Whaley
At the end of 2019 I wrote the above paragraph for a magazine article. Who would have thought that 2020 would prove to be tougher than all previous years put together?!
Lewis Howes certainly puts adversity into perspective with these words….
“At some point, adversity happens in everyone’s life. It usually comes unannounced, and it doesn’t arrive with flowers and candy.”
I decided to look back on this year and see whether I could spot the ‘candy and blossoms’, amidst the adversity. Whilst I thought, looked and searched, suddenly all the blessings bloomed in front of me; resulting in this list of,
Five amazing and wonderful ‘blossoms and candies’, that we have received and experienced during 2020.
Education Blooms.
Family Blossoms.
Farming Candies.
Life’s Lessons Blooming Forth.
God’s Candies and Blossoms.
Reflecting back on the candies and blossoms.
1. Education Blooms:
With most of the schools being closed throughout this year, our homeschool has continued without missing a beat. The children’s academic goals have been achieved with no learning gaps. For me, as the mother, teacher, supervisor and educator, it has been a demonstration of God’s guidance and wisdom. Thank you Lord for this ‘blossom’ experience…
Education Blossomed this Year.
World Politics.
In March Covid19 arrived in our little part Africa… This certainly woke us up to what was actually happening in the world. We suddenly needed time to watch, read and learn about world politics. We then got back into studying the Bible, to see what God’s Word has to say about all of this.
Along with the children, this has been an amazing time, as we all observed what was happening around the world. We have laughed, cried and debated, as we tried to take in all that is occurring around us.
This way we have uncovered many truths and have enjoyed sharing these truths with others. Our new goal ‘blossomed’, as we went about sharing the truth of God’s word with others.
2. Family Blossoms
Special Times.
With lock down, came time on the farm. As a family we have bonded during this time and experienced more togetherness, from playing farm polo, golfing in Nyanga, to camping on the banks of the Zambezi River.
Creating treasured memories.
The weekends became great family game time, with ‘boys versus girls’ polo matches. As a family we have ‘blossomed and bloomed’, whilst treasuring these memories and bonding times
Furry Friends.
Earlier in the year, we visited the local pet shop and purchased two guinea pigs and rabbits. These furry friends soon became Paula Joy and Murray John’s best friends and have given them endless joy throughout the year.
During lockdown the children have had time to learn how to care for their friends and they have enjoyed endless hours playing with them. This was definitely a box full of ‘candy’!
3. Farming Candy.
New Farming Business.
As all the sports academies in Harare were closed for most of the year, it gave me time to look for a new business to start with my husband. We found an opportunity to lease a farm and start a cropping program there. It has been wonderful to create new jobs and to start a business of our own.
Yes, it comes with added stress… However, by next year, when sports open up again for the children, we will have systems in place to cope with the added work load.
This door opened when other doors remained closed, so we look forward to reaping the promised ‘candy’ in the near future.
Farming Education for the Children.
The children have been most involved in our new farming venture and now have two farming operations to compare. This has helped them get a very clear visual understanding of how a new farming operation starts, compared to how an established large farm operates… Two very different enterprises aiming for similar results.
These experiences can only be obtained through seeing and doing and will continue to ‘blossom’ over time.
4. Life’s Lessons Blooming Forth.
Third World Living Equips Us.
Living in the third world equips one for adversity, as the government is always changing the goal posts. We have grown up in a country with constant change, loss, economic chaos and instability. Therefore, when Covid19 arrived, we simply moved with the flow, as this was just another challenge to be overcome.
Our past life’s lessons have brought us to the point where we have the confidence of knowing that we shall survive, despite the difficulties upon us. History has proved that. We certainly don’t like the difficulties and we may not be exactly where we want to be -however, we have survived and ‘blossomed’ despite the challenges.
Reflecting on 2020.
Focused on End Visions and Dreams.
As a family, we have kept focused on our end vision and dreams. Having survived the adversities of 2020, the victory of achieving them has been so much sweeter.
We have learnt that when adversity arises, you have two choices… Either you do nothing and let it overwhelm you, resulting in you falling victim to your circumstances, or you embrace the challenge and keep moving forward. The choice is yours…
We chose to embrace the challenges and work with it, not against it, resulting in our children ‘blossoming’ behind us
5.God’s Candies and Blossoms.
God’s Blessings Shine Down on Us.
Throughout this adversity God has not moved away… It has been us who have had to move closer to Him, in order to cope and flourish through adversity. We have had to look, listen and move, as and when He has guided us.
I know that the adversity has made us grow stronger and has taught us to seek the Lord more faithfully. As a family we continue to grow together through prayer, as we continue to thank God for all the ‘candies and blossoms’ He provides…
“The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” Luke 18:27
God is Always in Control.
This year has reminded us daily that God wins! God knows what lies ahead of each of us and He has answers and a plan for us. We need to sit at His feet and let Him fill our cup. This year has certainly helped get us back into what God’s will is for our lives and how He wants to bless us.
One Heartbeat!
Yes, we need to remember that we are only one heartbeat away from eternity. Now it is up to us to share God with others.
What about your Candies and Blossoms?
‘What are you believing God for today? God will never fail to accomplish whatever he has promised to you, even though you may not see it’.
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