Academic Tutors.
1. Primary School.

Private English and Maths Lessons.

2. Senior School.
Online Tutoring with Laura.

Ultim8 Tutors.

CONTACT: Terrence Mutasa
PHONE: 0777 013551
EMAIL: ultim8tutors@gmail.com

3. Learning Difficulties.
Trudy Leggett – Remedial/Dyslexic Teacher.
Primary school teacher specializing in learning difficulties.
EXTRA LESSONS: Ryland/Vainona area.
TIMES AVALIABLE: There are some gaps, especially Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 2.30. Friday is full.
If you have a child in need of any assistance (specialist or just getting their head around fractions or poetry) please contact me directly?
RATES: standard $25/45 minutes with a discount of every 5th lesson being free.
EMAIL: Leggett.tv@gmail.com
PHONE: 0786 262855
4. Beginners Shona Lessons.

Register Here for Lessons.
Phone: Beginners Shona Lessons. 263 773243157
Please leave a comment below about your favorite tutor.
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