How do I Homeschool through Economic Collapse?
As Zimbabwe’s economy collapses around us, we are all having to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances. However, as parents of homeschooled children, and regardless of location, we always need to adapt to changing circumstances, from our health to our finances. Goals get changed, side-lined or delayed, which can cause enormous stress to parents.
I thought that I would share our current situation with you and tell you how we are coping with it.
1. What are my Homeschooling options?
Here in Zimbabwe, as a homeschooling Mom, I have various options.
Some of them I like, some I don’t, and some I find very hard to accept! Presently, we have an extremely dire economic situation to deal with. In some families, breadwinning husbands have lost their jobs, some have been injured and some have died, leaving behind homeschooling Moms.
All these situations are very hard to cope with.
However, with the Lord guiding us, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
“The Lord knows how to rescue the Godly people from their trials.” (2 Thessalonians 3:3)
2. How do I cope?
- I make sure that I have one year’s schooling curriculum delivered in advance. Once I have the curriculum in stock, I can then budget for the extras. This means that school is never disturbed and can continue despite the difficult circumstances.
- I stay focused on the long-term goals and not the short-term goals which are changing week by week.
- With our currency devaluing daily, our monthly income has shrunk drastically to 10% of its previous value. This has forced me to reduce our outside sporting activities and we are now doing more of our own activities.
- I have used this experience to train my children to adapt, which is a valuable life skill.
- I continue to walk in faith and stand on the Word of God.
- I haven’t given up on my dreams or my goals, just because the economy around me has crashed. My dreams/goals have just been delayed and will be caught up later.
- I focus on what I can do, not what I can’t. We have shifted our focus to other sports that are more affordable. We have dropped tennis and gym, our core sports. This is not perfect, but the children are still active and learning.
- My kids are now getting more play time and they are still very happy. It’s just us mothers who get ourselves stressed!
‘He will never leave you nor forsake you’. (Hebrews 13:5)
A wise person once told me: ‘Who is going to ask you what you did on a certain day, X number of years ago? No one. So, don’t stress, just enjoy the here and now, as most things can be caught up, in time’.
I try to use this point in our history as an opportunity to show compassion and to help others through their difficulties, and I enjoy teaching my children these wonderful skills.
I try to be grateful for what I have and not focus on what I haven’t.
I mediate on the word of God where He states the following; ‘He always clothes and feeds the birds and are we not more valuable than those?’ (Matthew 7 vs 26)
I always teach my children never to give up, and I ask them to pray and encourage me and those around us. For them, learning to live without things they want and having to wait for things is certainly helping with their maturity.
God knows what I’m going through and He is in control, so I rest in Him.
I can become a Mary and sit at Jesus feet, where I will be refreshed, and not become a Martha, running around, always too busy.
3. Don’t try to be perfect.
I have had to learn to let go of perfect! This is very hard for me, and I expect many other mothers have a perfect idea of how they would like things to be. When this is not achievable due to circumstances beyond my control, I get stressed, so I try to stay focused on what I can do and not on what I can’t.
I have learned to pray, pray and pray!
Time is a precious commodity and our present circumstances will change, so learn to change and adapt with them. It is far less stressful that way.
4. How to continue to be an awesome MUM?
- Take time out for yourself and keep up with your hobbies. I have managed to continue riding my horses and, as a family, we are still able to play polo. This gives us time together every weekend, which is special and uplifting.
- You are more important that the circumstances around you. Stay strong and stay healthy. ‘Don’t panic!’ my husband often tells me, which is rather hard at times!
- Control your circumstances and don’t let them control you. This requires prayer and drawing closer to God.
- A happy Mom means happy children….so go and be awesome!
Never Ever Give Up, an awesome song by King and Country.
“But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.” (Titus 3 vs 4-5).
Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank You that you are our ship, guiding us through the storms. Help us to stay focused on You and Your Word, so that You will see us through to the other side. We thank You, in Jesus name. Amen.
- Our Traumatic Sudden Move Across the Country.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for July-August 2024.
- Our Victoria Falls Celebration Trip.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for May-June 2024.
- What is a Healthy Homeschooling Culture?
How do you cope? Please share below…
Wow, Ashleigh! You have such a great attitude, despite all the many challenges of bringing up children within a country in crisis!
I’m full of admiration for you Ashleigh. Keep your resolve!