Individualized Homeschooling.
Education is Life:
Education is the communication about life, from the living – to the living. It is the communicating of information from one generation to the next generation. Education of a child should include both the knowledge of God and the preparation for wisely using that knowledge in life.
“All your sons will be taught by the LORD, and great will be your children’s peace.” Isaiah 54:13 (NIV)
Christians have a Biblical mandate to educate in their homes.
The task of Christian education is to guide a child to see life from God’s perspective -and direct that child’s development toward God’s objective for man.
As the educator we are commissioned by God, to train with accountability to Him. Every educator is commissioned by God and is a co-worker with the Holy Spirit, to bring children to the fulfillment of God’s plan and purpose for their lives. The goal is to see each student become conformed to the image of God. However to achieve this the educator must have the desire to be conformed to the image of God.
“For who has known the mind of the LORD.” 1 Corinthians 2:16 (NIV)
Daily your children absorb what you do, what you say and what you don’t say. Make sure you demonstrate the traits you want your children to acquire. The Holy Spirit in you heart constantly works to bring your thoughts, words and actions in line with God’s commandments.
What are we teaching?
Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom, so that the student may achieve Godliness of character and action. The foundation of Christian Education must be Jesus Christ and His Word.
“For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 3:11 (NIV)
The three dimensions of life are knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
1. Knowledge: Is facts: it is data we collect as we are educated.
2. Understanding: Is relating those facts to each other, handling and processing the information, and coming to conclusions, based upon the facts.
3. Wisdom: This is not part of the mental facts process. Wisdom is the action that results from, or the ability to respond to, knowledge and understanding.
“For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” Proverbs 2:6 (NIV)
We read knowledge, memorize for retention, study for understanding, and meditate for enlightenment, which are the steps on the path to wisdom. The final outcome is Wisdom.
Instilling Character and Godliness in your child.
These must be taught scripturally, line upon line. Precept upon precept, – building and developing the life, so that the child learns to walk in God’s ways.
As we instill this foundation of values, principles, character and wisdom- in the minds, hearts and lives of our children, we are training the next generation to walk in God’s ways. This is wisdom. Wisdom is education in its truest sense.
“Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalms 90:12 (NIV)
Both the educator and the student must apply themselves to acquire wisdom.
1. How do we achieve this?
By managing each child’s individual learning level, at their own rate of learning. Learning thus becomes the constant, whilst time becomes the variable. The child needs to master each concept, before moving ahead. With individual learning the educators are able to devote personal attention to each student. Concepts are therefore always grasped, before the student moves onto the next concept, resulting in no learning gaps.
If we are to rebuild a nation, we must build the principles of wisdom and Godly character into the lives of the next generation. This can only be done one child at a time. This is not a quick and easy thing, but the results are rewarding and priceless.
Our goal for individualized education is to direct our children toward the Saviour. We need to apply Biblical principles to each situation in life.
2. Discipline and instruction, approved by the Lord, offer children both Law and Gospel.
Your children will remember the value of your presence, far longer than the cost of your presents. Give them this precious gift, through spending time homeschooling them.
What a wonderful treasure this is!
3. God does not expect you to walk in Godliness on your own.
Tackle your appointed assignments with enthusiasm, whether you have one child or twenty. God is with you, on your side, always watching, always coming to your rescue, always making His wisdom and mighty resources available for you.
Tap into it and run with it, in confidence.
Hand in Hand, a Child and I…
Dear Lord, I do not ask that Thou should give me
Some high work of Thine,
Some noble calling or some wondrous task:
Give me a little hand to hold in mine;
Give me a child to point the way,
Over the strange sweet path that leads to Thee;
Give me a little voice to teach to pray;
Give me two shining eyes, Thy face to see.
The only crown I ask, dear LORD, to wear is this –
That I may teach a little child.
I do not ask that I should stand among the wise,
The worthy, or the great;
I only ask that softly, hand in hand,
A child and I may enter at Thy gate.
Author: Unknown.
Prayer: Heavenly Father I thank you for the opportunity to educate my children. Please bless me and guide me, every step of the way. Help me to remember that -with You, all things are possible. Take my hand and lead me. -In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
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[…] goal of individualized Christian education is to equip your child with the means to fight against evil, whilst gaining in knowledge. Christian […]
[…] Individual Christian education will result in an independent thinker, who always seeks the Lord’s wisdom, guidance and discernment. Much of the world does not encourage independent thinkers, as there is a leadership desire to control populations. […]