
Most of this month’s schooling has been done with an 180 kva generator growling in the background, as Zimbabwe plummets deeper into economic crisis. Most days we actually have no electricity! We are thankful to have power, even with it’s continuous noise, otherwise we would not be able to start school early each day, and would not have wifi.
My children certainly have had an education in inflation and are managing to keep up with the exchange rate each week, as they continue to sell bananas.
Grade 5 is not an easy year for Paula Joy as her school work has become harder. She is taking longer to complete her day’s work and requires more assistance from me. Google is my best friend for English and am thankful for modern technology. Murray John, however, continues to fly through Grade 3 and will start Grade 4 within the next few months.
Homeschool Art:

Murray John designed and decorated his own Birthday cake which he enjoyed and shared with his friends. The cake was a yellow field of wheat with farm implements on top…Very original and very Murray John!

Polo continued throughout the month, with Paula Joy back in the saddle for the last two weeks. Pat Aitchison, who is currently 76 years old, still plays polo with us and enjoys encouraging the children. It is wonderful for our children to be able to play and socialize with all age groups.

The children also had a horse vaulting show at the end of the month, so they had many exacting practice sessions, to ensure a good showing. Paula Joy came 4th and Murray John came 5th. Paula Joy can finally mount on at the canter! Watch the following YouTube clips of the kids vaulting show performance……..

Homschool Sport:

Sport in Harare continued at a slower pace, due to the economic state of the country. Fuel shortages and inflation have forced us to cut back on activities. We stayed with golf this month and the children ended the month playing 9 holes with their coach. Their progress has been amazing and Paula Joy is now able to drive 175m!

We started swimming lesson’s again, as with Paula Joy’s fractured foot, it was the best exercise to get her ankle back to full strength.
Thanks to an extra heating unit, to boast the pool’s temperature, as and when the power comes on, the swimming coach has been able to keep going.
Farm Life:

The children had their friends to stay for a weekend. Fun was had riding horses, making fires on the rock and enjoying each others company.
The farm continues to manage without much electricity. During the day everything is being run off generators. At night the electricity is switched on, so the irrigation staff have to be awake to check on centre pivot irrigation etc. This situation requires diligent, time consuming management.

Murray John continues to enjoy being involved in combining the maize or fertilizing the wheat. The Chillie’s are now being harvested and dried. Murray John has been the only one brave enough to eat one, so far!

The annual agricultural show was held in Harare. It’s the highlight of the year and the children so enjoy running around the show, seeing all the latest farming equipment. Despite all the chaos in the country the show was bigger and better than previous years, which is astounding!

Finally Murray John tuned 8 this month. Such a milestone for him. -We treasure each year with our children, as a blessing from the Lord.
“The Lord knows how to rescue Godly people from their trials.” (2 Thessalonians 3:3)
- Our Traumatic Sudden Move Across the Country.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for July-August 2024.
- Our Victoria Falls Celebration Trip.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for May-June 2024.
- What is a Healthy Homeschooling Culture?
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