Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for August.
August Activities:
August break.
August was holiday time for the children, starting with a two week camping trip on the Zambezi River.

This was followed by cricket trials and a cricket camp for Paula Joy. The homeschooling holidays ended with the final polo tournament of the season.

It’s not often that we take four continuous weeks off school, so it’s going to be a big push, from September until December, in order to achieve our schooling goals.

Homeschooling Flexibility.
I love the flexibility homeschooling gives us, however, it takes discipline to keep the academic goals on track.
As Paula Joy has entered her high school years, she is now learning to work into the evenings and during weekends, as and when required.

Her schooling happens around her sporting goals, which means she needs to take control of her academics, which is a great life skill for her to learn.
Homeschooling Friends.
Furry Friends.
In August all the cats were moved to our Harare house, as the wild cats on the farm were harassing them. Otherwise, all the other pets are happy and enjoying the warm spring weather.
Homeschooling Art and Crafts.
Camping Skills.
Organising to go camping, packing, and planning our camp site layout, was this months form of arts and crafts.

The children are now becoming more efficient, in all aspects of camping,- and they absolutely love the challenges these activities present.
Ponies Rested.
The polo ponies all got a few weeks rest, whilst we went off camping. Once we returned, they were worked by Murray John, before our final polo tournament.

Junior Open Polo Tournament.

The Junior Open tournament is a 3 goal polo tournament, run over 3 days. This was certainly a step up for the children!

They both coped surprisingly well. However, Paula Joy, being older and stronger, found it an easier task, – and she really enjoyed the polo weekend. Murray John still needs to grow a bit and get physically stronger, in order to manage the faster polo.

Polo Handicap Increased.
Both children ended the season with increased handicaps, from -2 to -1. Their goal is to have a 0 handicap, by the end of the next polo season. I am sure, with their determination, they will achieve this goal.

September is a rest month for the older polo ponies. The younger ones will now go back into work, in order to be ready for the summer practice season.
Polo Award.
Paula Joy ended her season winning ‘The most improved junior polo player’ trophy. She was very happy to receive this trophy, which was well deserved.

Homeschooling Sports.
U19 Zimbabwe Women’s Cricket Trials.

Paula Joy’s final cricket trials started the day after our camping trip ended. She had three long days of matches, before the final team was announced.
U19 Zimbabwe Women’s Cricket Team.
We were all so proud of Paula Joy, when she was selected for the team. This is an outstanding achievement for a just 13 year old!

U19 Cricket Camp.
Paula Joy then had a further week of daily training and matches. She loved getting to know all the girls and becoming part of a bigger team.

Receiving her training and match uniforms was the icing on the cake!

Busy Training Schedule.
Paula Joy has a busy training schedule ahead of her. The main challenge for us, her parents, will be managing her pressure levels, whilst allowing her enough time to just have fun. We are praying daily, for the wisdom to manage Paula Joy’s new and challenging cricketing experience.
U19 Cricket World Cup.
I shall keep everyone posted, as to how the team progresses towards the U19 World Cup, which is to be held in South Africa, in January 2023.
August Adventures:
Farm Life.
As spring approaches, so does the ripening of the winter wheat crop. Much planning is also required, as the new tobacco crop is planted.

At this very dry time of the year, the risk of bush fires increases. The farm managers are always on high alert, with water tanks standing by, filled and ready. Murray John is always out and about around the farm just loving the outdoors.

Zimbabwe Economics.
Our country continues to face huge economic challenges and life is tough. Sourcing goods is an endless task, as prices can vary hugely between shops. All we can do is pray for economic changes…
Chewore Camping and Fishing.
Our annual camping trip to Chewore on the Zambezi River is our children’s favourite holiday.

They love the whole camping, boating, and wild animal experience. Each year proves to be a different adventure, with lions being the highlight of this trip!

You can read all about our trip here…Camping Amongst Lions, Zambezi River, Zimbabwe.
Keep the faith and God bless!
“The LORD is my strength and my song; He has given me victory.” Psalm 118:14.
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- Our Traumatic Sudden Move Across the Country.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for July-August 2024.
- Our Victoria Falls Celebration Trip.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for May-June 2024.
- What is a Healthy Homeschooling Culture?
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