
One frenetic Friday I needed to do a number of chores for the weekend. I left the children working in the school, whilst I got busy getting horses ready for polo, as well as sorting out decorations for the polo club. Paula Joy and Murray John both got stuck into their work and finished it on their own. For me that was the milestone I wanted to achieve with my children and I am certainly proud of them!
At the end of the month they had two days off, before the Pony Club Show. This was so we could prepare the ponies and get organised. I so love being able to be flexible, and it certainly lowers the stress levels of trying to do everything at the same time.
Homeschool Art.
The children helped me decorate the polo club house for the tournament. We managed to do everything, without a budget, by sourcing items from the farm. Hessian from the tobacco shed, chilies from the chili crop and baked bean tins filled with small cactus plants from the garden. Old gumboots were also filled with cacti. The result was stunning!

Busy again at polo this month. Paula Joy loves to ride her ponies to the ramp and load them onto the lorry.

The children had their first polo tournament which was great excitement. Paula Joy and her team managed to win narrowly, over Murray John and his team.
At home we practiced polo and showjumping, as we prepared for the Pony Club Show at the end of the month.

The pony club show was a huge success. The children participated on two horses each and entered the dressage, showing, gymkhana, fancy dress and showjumping classes. They also participated in a vaulting demo. It was a very busy three days, with loads of improvement evident. Paula Joy got the prize for the most improved rider for the year. Murray John won the fancy dress. The inter-schools showjumping was the last event. In the 80cm show jumping class the Homeschoolers won and in the 70cm class the Homeschoolers came second.
I pushed the children out of their comfort zone, by making them ride horses as well as ponies. Horses are harder for children to ride. However, if they can manage their horses in the lower classes, it does seem to boast their confidence on their ponies.

Homeschool Sport.
Sport in Harare continued with golf, swimming and vaulting. We now try to do 9 holes of golf each month. The children’s swimming has greatly improved.

Farm life.
The children continued with their vehicle driving lessons and have both now progressed to changing into third gear. I love being driven around for a change!

Often in the evenings the children go down to the dam, to fish with the grooms.


We visited a friend’s farm, nearby, where they have a tame Zebra whose friend is a donkey.

The grandparents arrived to watch the show and enjoy two weeks with us. Such a special treat!
The Lord says, “Your Father already knows yours needs.” Luke 12:30
- Our Traumatic Sudden Move Across the Country.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for July-August 2024.
- Our Victoria Falls Celebration Trip.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for May-June 2024.
- What is a Healthy Homeschooling Culture?
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