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kids on the beach
FAITH: Homeschooling. FAMILY: The Whaley Academy.

What is a Healthy Homeschooling Culture?

What is a healthy homeschooling culture and how do we create it? How We Identified Our Homeschooling Culture. I recently attended a sports culture coaching seminar… I suddenly realised coaching sports and creating a culture around a sports team is no different from creating a healthy homeschooling culture. Having then thought deeply about this I …

Murray with a towel over half his head.
FAITH: Homeschooling. FAMILY: The Whaley Academy.

How to Embrace Your Child’s Individuality and Talents.

Embrace Your Child’s Individuality and Talents. Firstly, we need to look upon our children as perfect gifts from God… God’s children are created as individuals and need to be treated as unique and special. A Child’s Potential. It is up to us, as parents, to help each child to reach their full development and potential …