For the past 5 years I have been homeschooling my children and from my experience, the positives far outweigh the negatives. As a Christian, I am already controversial, by virtue of the fact that I represent Jesus. -Throw homeschooling into the mix and I am even more controversial, measured by modern day standards. However, I stand by my principles and the way I want to bring up my children… I always try to focus on the positives, -as most times I can fix the negatives!
These are the 25 positive reasons I love homeschooling…
1/ Homeschooling is better than going out to work!
Being a Home school Mum is the most fulfilling thing I have ever done! I had a choice to go out to work, or spend my time and effort on my children. This was a no brainer for me!
I save on school fees, uniforms, transport costs etc., which is what I would earn as a working Mum.
2/ More control over our finances:
I am better able to balance my finances, by planning my homeschooling costs and sporting activities around my budget. This has reduced pressure on our finances.
3/ Work anywhere and anytime:
We live on a remote farm. The children and I travel into the city, for a few days every week, where the children enjoy their sporting activities. School moves with us, so we can work at home, or away, even stopping for an outing or learning experience, -whatever may pop up. One day a helicopter came to visit the farm. School was immediately abandoned for a ride!

4/ Flexible timetable:
We schedule school around our home and farm timetable. We normally start at 6.30 am, wherever we are, -then we school around whatever activities we have for the day, especially when we are away from home. My children have learnt the personal discipline required to juggle school times. They fit schooling around their activities, during the days away from home.
5/ Holiday breaks, whenever it suits the whole family:
Getting away from the farm on holiday is not easy, so we take breaks, as and when it is convenient for my husband and I. This also helps us to make use of holiday specials and discounts, as we invariably travel out of main school holiday times.
6/ No wasted time:
We have more time at our disposal, which would normally be spent travelling to and from school.
7/ Homeschooler’s work at their own pace:
My children learn at their own speed. Smart kids can go ahead of their age group and slower children can work methodically. My children like to push on, so they never get bored…
8/ Know my children’s strengths, weaknesses:
As I control my children’s education I know exactly how competent they are at each subject and where their strengths and weaknesses lie. I am therefore able to manage their learning and seek additional help as and when required.
9/ No learning gaps!
As my children work at their own speed and may not skip pages, there are no learning gaps. The program I follow has many checks and balances, with a test at the end of each workbook, so they may not proceed, unless they pass the test with 80% +. If my child is ill, they do not miss vital grounding concepts, therefore they proceed through the program, without learning gaps.
10/ Children learn to manage their own time:
Time management is a life skill. My children learnt to manage their time from an early age.
11/ School is not a chore:
School is part of everyday life at home, not something one does away from home. My children show a great desire to learn and are forever asking me questions.
12/ Managing what my children are exposed to:
I am able to manage what my children hear, see, read and learn. In my opinion, this is critical in this modern world of information overload, media, computer games, cell phones and movies.
13/ Homeschooling develops a child’s individuality:
I love the fact that my children bring their individuality to school with them everyday. For example my young son brings his cuddly toys to school and my daughter her dollies, where they sit on their desks and watch them work!

14/ Positive learning environment:
Positive reinforcement is critical for a child’s development. Words are a powerful tool, which can make or break a child. Homeschooling gives me control over what is being said to my children. I try, at all times, to be positive and encouraging.
15/ Setting individual goals:
In life we have short, medium and long term goals. I set individual goals for my children, according to their ability. They are also learning to set their own goals.
16/ Managing a child’s stress levels:
Like everyone, we have good days and bad days… I am able to manage my children’s stress levels, by reducing goals when I see that they are unwell, tired or drained. My children may do school when they are not 100 percent, as they know that I will not push them unfairly.
17/ Sport and exercise:
My children have individual sporting activities, with professional sports coaches, where there is no favoritism, nor bullying from other children. There are no rules as to what level they should achieve at a certain age, thereby freeing my children to progress at their own speed. They can choose which sport they want and can reach their full potential, unhindered…

18/ Interacting with others:
My children have learnt to interact with people outside their peer group and are therefore more mature and confident, as they have never been put into an age box.
19/ Children have time to pursue their passions:
As my children finish school much quicker than main stream schools, where there is often much wasted time, they have time to pursue their particular sports, creative activities and hobbies.

20/ Developing the child’s character and shaping their personalities:
Homeschooling has given me the opportunity to instill Godly, biblical principles into my children. They know that they have a loving Heavenly Father, who watches over them and who can be spoken to in prayer. This has given them quiet confidence and wisdom. Together with this I have been able to enjoy their personalities and allow them to develop, without having them dented by pressure and ridicule.
21/ Keeping the family together:
This is what got me into homeschooling in the first place! Our family is united and we spend lots of time together. This, I believe, is a Godly principle. My children interact with my husband and are involved and interested in his work and the farm, as well as being company for me. They are also my little helpers around the home.
22/ Freedom to teach Christian principles:
I love the freedom I have to teach my children the Bible, Christian principles and wisdom which, for me, is the foundation for their growth and life.
23/ Capturing the time:
I am aware of how very quickly time flies by, therefore I want to be as involved as possible in my children’s growth. I want to experience each important stage of their development and be there for their ups and downs. For me this prospect is very exciting and challenging.
24/ Extended family support:
There is a saying that ‘It takes a village to bring up a child’… By having my children at home they have more interaction with their grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins, which is the reason God put children into a family. -Strong families build strong nations.
25/ Homeschooling is not government controlled:
There is a distinct change in attitude towards homeschooling, as main stream schools become more government controlled. Many parents do not agree with government intervention into their children’s lives, especially when it comes to areas of religion, faith and discipline. -It is perfectly natural to want to bring up one’s children in a way that reflects one’s own family values.
Prayer: Father, thank you for giving me the desire to home school my children. Please lead me in the right direction and fill me with Godly wisdom . -Give me a discerning heart. Thank you that, through everything, You are with me and You will see me through. Amen.
- Our Traumatic Sudden Move Across the Country.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for July-August 2024.
- Our Victoria Falls Celebration Trip.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for May-June 2024.
- What is a Healthy Homeschooling Culture?
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