We are now going farming to create homeschooling entrepreneurs!
Homeschooling Mum and Entrepreneur.
I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit and I love creating new businesses. I looked at homeschooling as a business, which required most of my time and energy, especially whilst the children were young and still learning how to read and write competently.
I am now in my seventh year of homeschooling and both my children are into a good routine and rhythm. Murray John has almost finished his fourth year of junior school and reads and writes well. Paula Joy will be starting her final year of junior school next year so she is now well organised and capable of managing her daily homeschooling goals. On the back of having spent much time instilling these education fundamentals in my children, I am now able to take on another business.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13.
Homeschooling young Entrepreneurs.
Accelerated Christian Education (ACE), the program we use, trains children to teach themselves. As we have already spent years of homeschooling between our two homes, the children are well trained and can work in different environments and move around with their books. They have also learnt to complete their school work around daily disruptions as, in Harare, they often have morning sports. For Paula Joy and Murray John, achieving daily homeschooling goals happens around their activities. I now feel confident that they can take on other challenges…

What is this new entrepreneurial project?
As a qualified Agriculturist I have always wanted to get back into farming, so I have taken on a new farming project with a family relative. This will be the eighth farming enterprise that I have been involved in! I now have vast experience in putting new systems in place and preparing land for optimum production. Plus, with Zimbabwe currently experiencing hyperinflation, I have had to look at earning myself additional income, in order to survive.
Where is this new project?
This new project is 120km away from where we currently live, which is a good 1hr and 30mins drive away. It is situated north of where we live, near a town called Centenary. It has a different climate to that which we are used to, which will give us additional challenges.
How to be an entrepreneur whilst homeschooling.
The children will move with me, a day or two each week, and will be physically involved in developing this new farming operation. This is an ideal opportunity for the children to put their education to use and learn how to become entrepreneurs. The goal is that, over time, the children will learn how to manage and run a successful farming operation themselves.

What have the children learnt so far?
During the first week of this new project the children accompanied me to the farm. They took a week off school to enjoy a different environment and to learn as much as possible from this new farming venture.
1) The children learnt how to map out each land for soil samples and the reasons for taking soil samples.

2) They participated in conversations over every tractor. Firstly, discussing what was wrong with them and then discussing various solutions, to get them all up and running well again.

3) When the harrowing implement broke a bearing, we all worked together to replace the bearing, as well as discussing why the bearing had broken.

4) The children drew a map of the farm, showing each particular land we intend to use. Then they saw how the irrigation was working.

5) Using the GPS, the children plotted each land and worked out gross hectares per land. Once they had the gross area, they then multiplied the total by 0.8, to obtain a net hectares figure. This is helping them appreciate the math they are learning at school.

6) We had a look at the irrigation pivot on the farm and discussed how it operates in a different way, to the pivots we have been operating.

7) We watched the tractors plow the land and discussed reasons why we have to plow before planting.

8) With their bicycles the children are able to ride around the farm, checking on and observing all the different operations.

For the next year the children will be farming and schooling together. They have already learnt how to school in different homes, so adding an extra place should be an easy adaptation.
I love being able to work with my children as a team. I encourage them to ask questions and to become part of the decision making. With no sports available, due to the Corona Virus lock down, we are not traveling to Harare that often. This extra time has given them an ideal opportunity to learn how to farm. It is a wonderful and positive adventure, within a very negative situation in Zimbabwe.

We shall continue to bring you stories of our experiences. I shall update you as to what we have done each month and let you know what the children have learnt.
“Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands,” 1 Thessalonians 4:9. .
As we continue to walk in faith, always praying for guidance, whilst putting this saying into practice.
Work for the solution, pray for the solution and believe God for the solution.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank you for this new opportunity to teach my children about Your land and how to cultivate it. Help us to spread your Word to those around us. May you fill us with wisdom and strength. -In Jesus name I pray… Amen.
- Our Traumatic Sudden Move Across the Country.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for July-August 2024.
- Our Victoria Falls Celebration Trip.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for May-June 2024.
- What is a Healthy Homeschooling Culture?
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