Good parenting from Godly leadership begins with the family. Family is the building block of civilizations, regardless of race or creed. It is an institution designed and ordained by God. -As the family is dismantled so the world becomes more fractured. We need to look to the strength of the family unit, before we look to any other issues which divide and injure society
Children from Married Homes Succeed.
Statistics clearly show that children who live with their married (mother and father) parents succeed and…..
Rarely live in any form of poverty.
Are more likely to do better at school.
Graduate from school and attend college.
Are generally more healthy, both physically and mentally.
Are less likely to get into trouble with the law.
Are less likely to do drugs or be sexually active.
Anchored and steadfast families are healthier and happier, whilst contributing more to society.
As parents we should lead by example, as it is up to us to steer our children through life. Do not duck this responsibility and leave it to chance. No one is going to lead your child better than you, a loving parent.
How does a parent lead?
The Father is the Godly leader.
“For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.” Ephesians 5:23
The bible clearly states that the father is the head of the house. It is not surprising that, when a father is converted to Christ, 93% of his family members ultimately follow. However, when a mother is converted to Christ, only 27% of her family members ultimately follow.
As a father and head of the family, the single most important and powerful thing you can do is to be Godly. The influence of your character – good or bad – changes things more than you can imagine…
Before God, parents should sanctify their lives and lead with strength of character.
Nothing matters more!
“It is God’s will that you should be sanctified:” 1 Thess: 4:3.
When fathers are behaving as the spiritual head of the home, then God is able to bring blessings upon the whole family. Fathers should not abdicate their responsibility.
The Four Phases to Good and Successful Parenting.
Always aim to be a loving, guiding parent. These are four phases which a parent needs to lead a child through.
1) Discipline Phase (Ages 1-5).
This is when a child learns boundaries. They say this is the most important phase of a child’s life.
“Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish him with the rod, he will not die.” Proverbs 23:13
2) Training Phase (Ages 6-12).
This is when children learn to imitate good behavior. They will follow your example. They will do as you act, not necessarily as you say.
“Fathers, do not exasperate your children: instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4.
3) Coaching Phase (Ages 13-21).
This is when you guide them in their own decision making.
“Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3: 5-6
4) Friendship Phase (Ages 22 and up).
This is when you enjoy the fruit of their love and respect.
“You will eat the fruit of your labour, blessing and prosperity will be yours.” Psalms 128:2
With the family foundations in place and good leadership, from both parents, take note of the following….
Make sure your voice is heard, as you mark out the boundaries.
Guide your children to make healthy choices.
Place a priority on honoring people and valuing relationships.
Gain their respect more than their love.
Remember to be a good leader, which means you may not always be liked!
“If you parent your children, you get to spoil your grandchildren. But if you spoil your children, you’ll have to parent your grandchildren.”
Leading your child through life is a wonderful experience, which needs to be done one step at a time, whilst always looking to God for guidance. It’s a marvellous journey to enjoy and embrace, as all children are gifts from God.
Remember: Always love your child… but win their respect early on and work to retain it. This will result in you having their love and respect, as they mature and become adults.
Parenting is not a popularity contest, it’s a preparation contest.
As parents we are preparing our children for adulthood and eventual eternity with God. Working together, with God, you will succeed as a parent.
“Remember we are living in the last days and abdication of our responsibilities as parents is not an option that is open to us.”
[…] ‘Good Parenting Requires Godly Leadership.’ is my latest post on tips of how to bring up children God’s way. Enjoy! […]