August saw some breaks to the homeschooling schedule. The children have completed 10 weeks of schooling in a row, so it was time to give them a week’s break, to relax and have fun. We have other breaks coming up, in September and October so we couldn’t take too much time off. We have managed to break up the school weeks this month by taking part in some golf tournaments. With all the sport we do we have to keep pushing, to get the academic year completed in time. I enjoy having lots are small breaks in the school year, then finishing off with a long break at the end of the year.
One fun activity the children have been doing involves Granny Pam, who loves playing games with the children. One of the games which is very good for the children’s math is called Rummikub.

Zimbabwe Economy.
Zimbabwe continues to plummet into chaos. Inflation is running at over 500%! It’s a daily battle for everyone to just survive! In order to cope we live in the here and now, trusting in the Lord for daily strength. I am not sure how any of us could cope without a relationship with God….. I continue to teach my children about inflation and show them what we can and can’t afford, as well as showing them how we can help those around us who are often in desperate need.
Homeschooling Art.
I gave each child a canvas, with a painting design on, for the children to paint on their own. I gave them no help and asked them to do the paintings in their own time and I was amazed at their results! Murray John’s painting is the dolphins and Paula Joy’s is the horse.


August is our last month of polo. The children achieved their goal of playing in a polo tournament. Murray John ended the season winning the prize for the most improved player in our Umzawi Polo Club. Well Done Murray John!

The children also chose to spend time riding their ponies bareback, whilst jumping cross country jumps. It’s such a good way to develop their riding seats and they had awesome fun at the same time.

Homeschool Sports.
Swimming lessons stopped for the month so we concentrated on golf and tennis. It is great for the children to be on the tennis court again! They have a tennis tournament in early September with the goal to have fun and learn. Paula Joy’s feet are no longer hurting as much, however she is still only doing a few hours of tennis a week. They also had two golf tournaments this month which they enjoyed and are slowly improving their games. They love to head off pulling their golf trolley’s, and chatting to their friends, whilst they play. Such a sense of independence!

Farm life.
We spent most of August on the farm enjoying the spring weather. Outrides on the farm are a great way to see all the farm activities.
Murray John got to go out pig hunting with our assistant, Jamie, who is teaching him all about tracking pigs. The pigs do a great deal of damage to the crops, so have to be controlled. Murray John just loves putting on his camouflage outfit and go into the bush……

August is also fire month, with several fires coming onto the farm. The children like to go out and help back-burn, to prevent the fires from spreading deep into the farm. It’s a wonderful way to teach them all about fires and how they spread, which is a very valuable skill to learn in this part of the world, where fires often rage out of control. often causing widespread devastation.

“Happy are the people whose God is the LORD!” Psalm 144:15
- Our Traumatic Sudden Move Across the Country.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for July-August 2024.
- Our Victoria Falls Celebration Trip.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for May-June 2024.
- What is a Healthy Homeschooling Culture?
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