adventures fishing in kariba



We began school mid January just as our country went into chaos with strikes etc. We therefore decided to stay out on the farm and do school work until the dust settles. We shall start sport once it is safe for us to travel to and from Harare. That is the beauty of homeschooling as we are flexible to adapt and change our routines to suit our environment.
Our country is in an economic crisis and has become a stressful place to live. Therefore one has to enlighten the children as to what is going on but also not overwhelm them with to much information.

With the country being plummeted into internet blackout we focused on school and riding the horses to keep us busy. It always take a week to get the kids settled back into their school routines after a long break. I therefore allow for extra school time so that we can complete our day’s goals.

Homeschool Sport.

Due to not traveling to Harare for sports we concentrated on riding the horses and improving on our riding ability. The children have to do skipping daily at school and are required to ride their bikes 8 km per day to keep their fitness levels up. We have also had to cut back on the sports coaching as the country’s inflation levels have exceeded our income. Therefore we have had to reduce the variety of sports coaching and focused in the main sports. These being gym training , tennis and vaulting. As we now have more school time we will catch up the other sports once the country stabilizes as we will be way ahead with our school.


Fun is being able to riding the horses everyday. Cross country practice and out rides to collect flame lilies in the bush was the highlight of this month. The kids have also focused on being able to ride a number of different horses.


Farm Life.

Flame lilies are our national flower. These wild flowers grow in the bush and always bloom around December and January depending on the early summer rains. We have loads growing wild on the farm.

flame lilies.

Watching the combine maize head being loaded onto a low bed trailer.

The tobacco reaping and curing continues through the month of January. The other crops like soya beans and maize are all planted. The kids love to go into the hot tobacco curing barns each evening. They also like to weigh tractors on the weigh bridge.

Travels to Kariba.

We went to Kariba on a house boat for 5 nights in early January. Just love being able to go away as and when we get the opportunities. Kariba is always a wonderful adventure with loads of fishing, game viewing and bird watching. We love to identify the different bird species. It certainly is a beautiful part of our country.

“I have told you these things. so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NIV).

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About Author

Homeschooling Mum, dedicated to raising her children with a solid Christian foundation and principles.

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