March started off with our academic and sports goals set and we were all excited to see what the month held… This excitement lasted for about two weeks and then, as Corona Virus descended on Africa, all our sporting events were cancelled!
Homeschooling is one very important aspect of our lives which has not been disrupted…We have continued to focus on our homeschooling, whilst all the mainstream schools are closed. This is a huge blessing and has enabled me to keep the children focused and in a routine, which has been very important during this stressful time.
Due to the unexpected stresses, I needed to adjust the time table for the last two weeks of March, as the children required time to chat and absorb the things that were happening around them. -Having God at the center of our lives makes it so much easier to withstand the chaos in this world…
Thankfully, I have enough school books for the next six months, as living in Zimbabwe has taught me to think way ahead!
Homeschooling New Friends.

In early March the children used their Pace Test earnings to purchase themselves one guinea pig each. What a blessing from the Lord!
With the stress of Corona Virus the guinea pigs have given the children something to focus on. They are now so much part of our family and the children care for all their little guinea pigs needs… I highly recommend them as perfect pets for young children.
Homeschooling Art.
Murray John, aged 8, self-portrait. Such a joy to watch the children’s art developing.

Homeschooling Horses.
March is horse show month. With two big events in March, it was time to focus on our riding. We learnt from the mistakes made at each show and worked on improving our horses and riding, for the next show.

Paula Joy, having won the first show in the 70 centimeter category, then went up to the 80 cm. class… Her two ponies, Poppy and Monty, proved to be too much for her to handle in the 80cm class, with her having falls in each of the 80 cm. show jumping part of the event. On the cross country course she also struggled to get them over many of the jumps.

Subsequently, for the third event, she went back down to the 70 cm. class on these two ponies. However, her horse, Tularula, an easy thoroughbred to control, performed well in the 80 cm. class, so she will remain there for the rest of this season.
Eventing is a wonderful sport and helps develop a child’s horsemanship skills. It’s not easy and requires good focusing ability and attention to detail.
Murray John, although capable, is too young to participate in these horse events, as a child needs to be turning 10, before they can compete. He is therefore tasked with the job of jump judging, for the cross country phase of the events.
All day long he sits at a given jump, with the lorry driver, Richard, in attendance. -Sometimes Murray John’s friends also come to sit with him… Whilst Richard records every participant as they go over the jump, Murray John then radios the results through to headquarters.

This is a very good example of what a young child is capable of, and it teaches them to be responsible and to see a task through to completion. The second horse show was sadly cancelled, as the Corona Virus hit Africa. We have decided to rest the eventing ponies and concentrate on riding our young polo ponies.
Homeschooling Sport.
The children managed to get in a few private cricket lessons this month, which they so enjoy.

Now they have changed to playing cricket in their farm cricket net. Often they wait until Douglas has finished work, so that he can bowl to them. Otherwise, the children simply make up their own cricket games.
For the first three weeks in March, the Friday tennis coaching became ‘doubles day’. Douglas goes off with the children and Justin the coach, and they play two sets of doubles. It has become quite a competition, with the children determined to beat their dad and coach!

Tennis is often played in the driveway of our town house, or in the farm garden or farm shed wall. The children love making up their own games, with their own improvised equipment – and what great imagination skills they have!
We had a few weeks of town sports before all was closed down. Thankfully, with years of gym training, the children are able to continue their gym sessions on the farm.
Farm Life.
We had a wonderful time on the farm this month! We enjoyed lovely outrides on our horses, plus bicycle rides and farm drives.

The farm has had some lovely rains in March, however, it has not been enough to fill the dams. This has been a drought year in our area and sadly, the 400 hectares of winter wheat, which is usually grown on the farm, will not be planted this April.
Zimbabwe Economy.
Our local Zimbabwe dollar devalued hugely in March, causing all goods to suddenly double in price! We are in economic meltdown and with the Corona Virus arriving late March, -chaos looms… The country was not prepared for the virus and the government hospitals are very poorly equipped.
Before the country went into lock-down, I had to quickly forward plan, just to make sure that our town staff have all the food they need for the coming month. Things are a little better on the farm, as we have mealie meal and bananas, readily available, for all our farm employees. Now, as prices for all basic food commodities have doubled, everyone has to get by with less. This is a very sad situation and needs immediate action by the government…

Environmental Awareness.
March was another month of illegal poachers on the farm. This is ongoing, especially as the economy worsens. Our goal is to protect the wonderful wildlife we have roaming freely on the farm, but we accept that people are becoming increasingly hungry…
Stay strong, stand on the Word of God and rest at His feet. May He bless you all!
“God is with those who obey Him, The LORD will protect His people.” Psalm 14 5-6.
- Our Traumatic Sudden Move Across the Country.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for July-August 2024.
- Our Victoria Falls Celebration Trip.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for May-June 2024.
- What is a Healthy Homeschooling Culture?
Please tell me how you got through March?…..
Whilst the world locks-down the Whaley family continue with their lives! What a blessing to see!