What is a healthy homeschooling culture and how do we create it?
How We Identified Our Homeschooling Culture.
I recently attended a sports culture coaching seminar… I suddenly realised coaching sports and creating a culture around a sports team is no different from creating a healthy homeschooling culture.
Having then thought deeply about this I decided to examine what our homeschooling activities looked like, in order to grow our very own homeschooling culture.
What is Culture?
The dictionary meaning for culture is; The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement, regarded collectively.
Culture grows and happens when we are intentional in what we are doing. We have to be accountable to one another, in order to create a culture.

It’s all about action and about what we are doing, even when no one is watching. The result will be how people see and experience our unique behaviour.
What is Team Culture?
Team culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours that define a team’s interactions, dynamics, and working style.
It is the unique personality of a team, influencing how team members collaborate, communicate, and approach challenges.
A positive team culture fosters trust, creativity, and productivity, while a toxic team culture can lead to conflict and poor performance.

Building a strong team culture is essential for effective teamwork and goal achievement! Homeschooling is a form of team culture, with the family as the team. One requires a solid team culture for one’s homeschooling to thrive.
What is Homeschooling Culture?
Homeschooling culture refers to the community, values, and lifestyle associated with homeschooling families. It encompasses the beliefs, practices, and traditions that shape the homeschooling experience.
As with all team cultures, homeschooling culture starts at the top. It is up to the parents to create the culture and to instil it within the family. Through creating a positive homeschooling culture, one will see better results and achieve more goals.
” All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children.” Isaiah 54:13
Some key aspects of homeschooling culture include:
1. Flexibility and Autonomy.
This is what we love about our Homeschooling. Being flexible in every aspect of our lives and doing things the way we enjoy doing them, whilst fitting them into our unique way of life.
2. Family-centred Learning.
God created mankind within a family for a reason. Being able to spend our days as a family, working and learning together, is an amazing blessing and one we really treasure.
3. Personalised Education.
We love the freedom to be able to personalise our children’s education. For us this means a solid education, based on Biblical principles, as well as an opportunity to learn many different and useful life skills.
4. Community and Support Networks.
With modern technology it is easy to find community and support networks, which enable us to manage and thrive at homeschooling.
5. Emphasis on Character Development and Values.
Through our ACE Homeschooling programme, the 30 character traits of Jesus are reinforced, yearly. Our children are learning the the right values for good, honest character development. It’s up to us as the parents to enforce this and not leave it up to others.
6. Creativity and Self-directed Learning.
We have always encouraged our children to have creative minds and to use the tools they have at hand, to improve their life skills and knowledge. They are, subsequently, always thinking of different ways to help themselves to achieve their academic goals, in easier and better ways.
Since our children started school we have encouraged self-directed learning. Through years of guidance and encouragement they can now take ownership of their homeschooling hours and schedule.
We have always homeschooled around life and have tried to integrate schooling into everyday life on the farm, as well as into our ‘on the move’ lifestyle, between the farm and our city homes.
7. Flexibility in Scheduling and Pacing.
We love the flexibility homeschooling allows in our lives, where we can choose our hours of study and our times for holidays, according to how life pans out, day by day.
We also love the fact that our children’s education moves at their own pace. They are not overworked and learn according to their developmental stages.
Finally, having all this flexibility, results in a well balanced happy and secure child.
8. Integration of Faith into Learning.
A most important part of our children’s education is learning Biblical truth and how to allow God to be their guide. We believe that, without God and his Word, education can become less fruitful.
9. Focus on Individualised Learning Styles.
As each of our children are unique individuals, we are able to adapted their learning to suit each of of their personalities. ACE is individualised learning, where each child can progress at their own pace, which prevents frustration, confusion and emotional stress.
10. Encouragement of Curiosity and Exploration.
Children are naturally curious creatures, so it’s very easy to embrace this aspect, to encourage them to explore their passions and learn a vast array of amazing life skills.
Homeschooling Culture Varies.
Homeschooling cultures can vary widely, reflecting the diversity of families who choose this educational path. It is shaped by factors like family values, educational philosophy, and social connections. Overall, homeschooling culture prioritises family, flexibility, and personalised learning.
The culture around our family starts with our motto. “The family is a team and the team is the family.”

We emphasise that, as a family, we work as a team, in order to achieve all the goals we have set out and planned for. By doing this, we have created a sense of belonging, where each member has a sense of pride in their work, within the family team.
By allowing our children to take ownership of their lives, from their education, time, sports, and hobbies, they are now both thriving and helping our family achieve what we have set out to achieve. It is just the most wonderful journey and extremely fulfilling!
We are blessed with our family team, for what we stand for and how we have achieved a very special and unique family life.

I urge you to look at, and address, your family’s unique values, dreams and goals,- in order to create your own amazing homeschooling culture.
Go and be great!
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for your guidance, which helps us create a team culture around our homeschooling and lifestyle. Please continue to guide each person who reads this article and give them the wisdom they require to create their own family culture. In Jesus name we pray. -Amen.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for Jan-Feb 2025.
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- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for May-June 2024.
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