Homeschooling as a business…
Homeschooling is as much a job as going out to work.
Look at the meaning of the word ‘business’; which means: ‘your occupation, profession, career, position, day job, pursuit, vocation, calling, field, sphere, walk of life, trade, craft -and more...’
Homeschooling your children falls under the description of a business. By treating homeschooling as a business you get meaning and direction as to what you are trying to achieve which, in turn, will make you more focused and determined.
Like all businesses it has a starting point and will grow from there.
What is a homeschooling business?
You are in the business of building your child’s growth, education and future, with the resources you have on hand.
– It’s a serious undertaking, so give your business a name…
Just like any other business you need to do the following homework:
- 1. Due diligence.
- 2. Action plan.
- 3. Implementation.
- 4. Goals.
Ask yourself questions and write down your answers. Remember everyone will have different answers and no answer is wrong. This process will help guide you in the right direction. These are just guidelines to get you thinking, so add to it as you see fit.
1. Due Diligence:
- 1. Your strengths and weaknesses as a person.
- What am I good at?
- What am I weak at?
- What am I qualified for?
- 2. Your short, medium and long term goals for your children.
- Am I doing this as a bridging gap for my child?
- Am I homeschooling until the end of junior or high school?
- What do I want my child to achieve in the short, medium or long term?
- What character traits do I want to instill in my child?
- 3. Am I an expert in this field or do I need the find an expert?
- Am I a qualified teacher ?
- Do I need to be a qualified teacher?
- Do I have the discipline and heart to teach my children?
- Do I know a teacher/family member who can assist me?
- Do I need a system/teacher that teaches my children for me?
- 4. What is my lifestyle today and what do I want it to be in the future?
- How much disposable income do I have for this business?
- What is my family structure?
- How will homeschooling improve, or detract, from my lifestyle?
- 5. What do I gain by taking up homeschooling?
- Quality of life eg: flexibility.
- My children’s character and personality.
- My personal interaction with my children.
- Family time.
- 6. What do I lose by taking up homeschooling?
- My personal time.
- Social interaction for my children.
- Income from a job.
- 7. How can I turn losses into gains?
- Most of the time there is a solution which can turn losses into gains. Think about yours and see whether you can find solutions.
- 8. Where can I find the help required for this business?
- Support groups.
- Internet.
- Friends.
- Family.
- 9. What sports/cultural actives do I want my children to do?
- Look to see where you can grow your children’s extramural activities.
- Do research on possible coaches/teachers who offer outstanding service.
- What are my child’s passions, gifts and talents?
- How can I incorporate these into my schedule?
- 10. Accountability.
- What systems of accountability do I need to put in place?
- Do I need a system with accountability in place?
- 11. Faith based learning.
- Do I want to instill God’s character and wisdom into my children?
- Am I guided by worldly choices or Godly choices?
- 12. Meeting your child’s needs and growth.
- What special needs does my child have?
- What area of my child’s growth needs more attention?
Once you have the answers you will, more than likely, also have direction.
2. Action plan:
- Look at your answers and then start doing your research.
- You will need to open your mind to modern living and all the many possibilities, which were not there when you were at school.
- Broaden your mind, (think out of the box), and you will be surprised to find solutions for most of your problems.
- Whatever you decide, keep it straight and simple.
- Life is complicated enough, so don’t add extra stress by trying to do something which is way beyond your comfort zone.
- Remember that most homeschooling programs will incorporate key subjects. You can always add extra subjects and courses, as you see fit. There are plenty available, so be creative and add extras, to enhance your child’s education.
- Once you have found the program which suits you then it’s time to take the next step.
3. Implementation plan:
- When do I want to start homeschooling?
- Do I have the means to achieve this?
- Schedule time to attend a training course for the program you have chosen.
- Start getting your school room organised, with all the tools required to do the work.
- Finally…Get started!
4. Goal setting:
- 1. Write down each child’s goals for the:
- a. . Short term
- b. Medium term
- c. Long term
- 2. Write down your time goals:
- a. When will I start homeschooling?
- b. What do I want to achieve in the next year?
- c. What do I want to achieve with each child in the next 5 years?
- d. What are my long term goals for each child?
Goals may be adjusted or altered at any time, however planning it certainly gives reality and accountability to what you are trying to achieve. Write these goals down and then place them on your notice board for everyone in your family to see.
Remember goals are achieved one step at a time!
A passionate parent will go to whatever means to give their child what they need, in all areas of life.
-Getting started is the biggest hurdle. Once started you will get more confident as you go along. Staying focused on each step will help you from becoming overwhelmed.
The beauty of homeschooling is that each family is unique and so you can tailor make your homeschooling to suit your family.
Remember, we cannot do it all in our own strength so pray through each step. The Lord knows everything, so with Him at the helm you will not fail.
Your business is your life and your life is your business.
Balance it and take control of it. – Enjoy the ride!

‘Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer’. Romans 12:12 (NIV}.
Prayer: ‘Father, please give me a discerning heart to find the right school program for my child. Grant me the peace, wisdom and knowledge I need to succeed. Thank you for having all the answers I require for this business -and the wisdom to walk me through each step. Amen.’
- Our Traumatic Sudden Move Across the Country.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for July-August 2024.
- Our Victoria Falls Celebration Trip.
- Our Homeschooling Adventures and Activities for May-June 2024.
- What is a Healthy Homeschooling Culture?
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