Where do we start looking for God-given gifts(talents) and callings?
‘We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.’ Romans 12 vs 6. NIV
Firstly, what we DON’T want for our children.
- We want to prevent our children ending up in the wrong career… This can be compared to walking around with a shoe that doesn’t fit, which often leads to frustration and anxiety.
- We don’t want unhappy offspring, pursuing a career they hate. •
- We see too many people abandoning the college degree they studied for.
- It takes much time, money and energy, – to change a career, later in life.
What DO we want for our children?
You will bless your children immensely if you can help them understand the profound spiritual principles, below…
- Everyone has a role in the kingdom of God.
- Every believer has a purpose assigned to them by the Lord, a unique purpose, which only they can fulfill in this life.
- In determining one’s purpose or calling, one must first determine which gifts you have been equipped with. -Where there are no gifts, there is no calling, quite simple!
- Through discerning your gifts, and the manifestation of them, you will find your calling.
The first step in determining your child’s gifts involves observation.
Ask yourself these 8 questions, to help identify your child’s gifts and callings.
- What are their natural strengths in dealing with people?
- Does your child have a compassionate heart?
- Is your child a friend to the downtrodden?
- How are your child’s organizational skills?
- Does your child prefer to supervise everyone else?
- Does your child see the potential in situations and people?
- Does your child use their imagination to create fun adventures and schemes?
- Does your child see problems with every endeavor ie: does he/she scrutinize everything?
‘God’s gifts and His call is irrevocable.’ Romans 11:29
Once you have assessed your child, take time to teach your child about their potential gifts and callings…
Use these 4 Ways to Teach Your Child the Biblical Concept of Spiritual Gifts.
- To know their strengths – and develop them.
- To know their weaknesses – and watch for them.
- To seek God’s will – and put their gifts to use.
- To use their gifts lavishly and often, as called to do so…
People are usually gifted in areas of their greatest interest. God give us gifts to serve others…
‘Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully, administering God’s grace in tis various forms.’ 1 Peter 4: 10 NIV
1. To identify their strengths – and develop them, your child will:
- Know what holds their interest and what doesn’t.
- Know in what situations they feel confident and in which ones they don’t.
- Help them to envision situations they have been in, and ask them how they felt within those situations…
- Were they really interested, or not?
- Were they empowered or did they feel threatened or unsure?
- Once you have determined and discovered areas where they have obvious abilities, – encourage them in those areas.
- However, remember that things may evolve differently than what you expected… Once fully mature you child may experience the spontaneous development of another gift, one that was not discerned initially, when they were younger. -Every gift can be a foundation for other gifts to grow…
2. To know their weaknesses – and watch for them.
‘In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.’ Romans 8 vs 26 NIV
- You need to be prudent and help your child determine their weaknesses as well.
- Every strength has a corresponding and proportionate weakness: For example, an analytical and scrutinizing child will have a tendency to become critical and negative.
- Whatever the weakness, it will mirror the child’s strength, in its intensity and ineffectiveness!
- Whatever glory might have gone to God, will not come to fruition, if the child’s weaknesses are not dealt with.
- Weaknesses should not become the focal point, but rather a point of honest self evaluation, from time to time. Once your child learns this, they will learn to be more objective and more effective, as they keep their own weaknesses in perspective.
3. To seek God’s will – and put their gifts to use.
‘Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.’ James 1:17 NIV
- Once your child’s gifts have been discovered, then the child needs to understand that their gifts must be developed and practiced.
- Children must become creative in expressing their talents and abilities. Reward them in all their successes -and console them when they experience failure and discouragement.
- Once you have discovered your child’s gifts you can help open doors to their minds, concerning what possibilities might be considered, whilst answering their callings from God.
4. To give of their gifts lavishly – and as often as called upon.
- Take note of your child’s interest in different areas of Christian service.
- These fall into 2 categories: Speaking or Serving gifts.
- Your child may like to teach, address people, or tell people about Jesus, whilst others may prefer to serve, by helping others with chores, cooking, repairing things…etc.
‘Are your called to be a speaker? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Are you called to be a help to others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then God will be given glory in everything.’ 1 Peter 4: 11 NLT
As your child grows, pray with them about their callings. Ask God for guidance in this area…
There is something that is much scarcer, something far finer. Something rather than ability. It is the ability to recognize ability.
Elbert Hubbard.
These are 7 ways to go about growing your child’s gifts and callings.
Read them below and discuss them with your child on a regular basis. You can also use these points as prayer points for your child.
- Follow up regularly with discussions about gifts.
- All gifts are from God and are intended to be shared with other people.
- Giftedness is a delight to the soul. However, it is intended for the benefit of others.
- Encourage them to say YES to service opportunities.
- Children need to learn to be lavish with the blessing God has given them.
- NB: Parents, or caregivers, need to model the generosity that is fitting for the people of God.
- The ultimate goal is to build into the fiber of each child’s existence, a disposition towards helping people and a sensitivity to God’s calling on their lives.

Remember, prayer is a powerful tool to use, in order to guide your child to embrace and run with their God given gifts and callings.
Go and be awesome!
Prayer: Lord, Thank You for the gifts and talents You have placed in my children. I pray that You develop them in my children and use them for Your glory. Please make them apparent to me and to my children. Show me, specifically, if there are any special nurturing, training, learning experiences,- or opportunities that I should provide for them. In Jesus’ name I pray… Amen.
- Our Traumatic Sudden Move Across the Country.
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This sums up how children often felt:
‘’- I really wish that my talents and abilities had been recognized and encouraged at a young age.
What happened to us, generally, is we were compared to the rest of our peers and wherever we did not measure up, we felt a sense of failure… Subsequently, if we did not shine in whatever was deemed important in the school environment, we saw ourselves as, at best, mediocre. Our confidence was often snuffed out and anxiety set in, as we felt we couldn’t cope…
A few outstanding children felt successful, and the rest just bumbled along, as ‘also rans’! ‘’
Thank you for the suggestions about the kids’ gifts. Very needed info by me.
Thank you Lydia for your comments. I so love to share what God puts on my heart. God bless.
[…] parents we make huge sacrifices, one way or another, to help educate and develop our children’s talents. In the end it’s always worth the effort, as the rewards are just fantastic. […]
[…] It’s such a joy being able to savour each and every day of Paula Joy’s life’s journey. We continue to pray to God to guide her and strengthen her gifts. […]