School continued for the first week in March. We had now completed 8 weeks of school on the trot. -Time for a break, so off we went to Cape Town, in South Africa, for a two week holiday. Once back the children picked up their school work, from where they had left off. It is truly wonderful to have the flexibility to travel, as and when we decide to!..
Zimbabwe challenges amid disaster:
As a cyclonedestroyed part of our country, we spent time discussing the damage and whatneeded to be done to repair the infrastructure of the affected areas and how wecould help restore the lives of the people involved.
Homeschool Art:
The children sewed cuddly toys, from a kit they received for Christmas. Thankfully, I have staff who know how to sew and can assist and guide the children, as I am clueless when it comes to sewing. It took them a few weeks to complete and they were thrilled with the final result of a new cuddly toy each.
The horseriding continued with a cross-country jumping show, at the beginning of March-and then a big show at the end of March. Paula Joy participated in her firstcross-country day and managed to get her pony around the whole course, whichwas a huge boost to her confidence.
Paula Joy crosscountry.
Paula Joy Showjumping.
Murray John dressage
Murray John jump judging.
Murray John Showjumping,
Murray John is still too young to compete in cross-country jumping so, he chose to help by being a jump judge, assisted by our lorry driver. The two of them sat at a jump the whole morning (5 hours), marking each rider down on a special sheet, then radioing the results through to the main centre. Murray John thoroughly enjoyed the responsibility and took his job very seriously.
Homeschool Sport:
The children both had tennis lessons in Cape Town, with their coach there. We use a professional tennis academy in Cape Town called Sinnet, which guides me, whilst monitoring the children’s tennis progress. They so love playing in Cape Town and the coaches were pleased with their progress. The coaches gave me guidelines to follow, until we are able to get one of the them up to Zimbabwe, or until we can travel to Cape Town again.
Watch Murray John doing his tennis drills:
Farm Life:
Bicycle riding, big machine digger driving and pickup truck driving lessons continue on the farm, as andwhen the children have the time to tackle these activities.
We took a two week break to Cape Town to visit the children’s grandparents. Their grandfather turned 80 and their uncle Dean turned 50, so there was much celebration!The first week was spend shopping and having tennis lessons, with a bit of beach time.However, the second week was pure holiday time with cousins, loads of beach time, boogie boarding in the waves and enjoying delicious food at the many restaurants. In Zimbabwe we have no big shopping malls, so Paula Joy and Murray John find riding an escalator or taking an elevator (lift) a real treat!
Mountain biking.
Watching the Argus.
Walking the beach.
Beach walk to wreck.
Off to surf….
Great fun washad by all, as Cape Town is a wonderful holiday destination…
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer“. Romans 12:12
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